Monday, December 27, 2021

Over a Year...

 It has been over a year since the last post...

Good article: The Friend We All Want to Find

I think there is some good analogies to the Diaconate in this one!

There is so much more to discuss/discern...sometime...

Monday, November 9, 2020

Good to Remember...

In the times we are in, always remember THIS:

Every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass you attend could be your last.
Every reception of Holy Communion could be your Viaticum.
Get to Confession...try to be in a state of Grace!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Brother Andre Marie...Parable

 A good reflection and read:

This is a good read and very relatable. Regardless of what you think/feel about the first part (pandemic or "scamdemic")...We KNOW the 2nd part of this parable to be TRUE

Monday, June 8, 2020

Spiritual Battle is Real!

We are in a WAR! Not just a battle, a WAR...this is the Spiritual War that has been going on since time-immemorial. If you look with the eyes of faith right now, the veil is being removed!

For those that do not "see", virtually no amount of "proof" will allow them to truly understand what is going on, but for those who do "see" with the eyes of faith, for those who believe in the Trinity, in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For those who know that God sent his only begotten son for the redemption of the world, who became flesh and dwelt among us, who is with us right now in the Most Holy Eucharist...For those people, this is REAL and it is happening and we must be active in this fight. We can no longer (if you have been) stand on the sidelines "hoping", we must go to war, PRAY, FAST & REPENT!!! This si not just about you, it is about all of mankind! 

Some real good stuff:

HERE (Fr. Heilman - 6.6.2020)

Archbishop Vigano's Open Letter to Pres. Trump - HERE

Taylor Marshall talks about the letter and dives deep!

HERE (Fr. Altman - 5.12.2020)

Thursday, April 30, 2020

May is a BIG Month...

This is the Month of Mary! 

Lots going on... THE MANY will never know!!!
When I say LOTS going on, I am not talking about the visible...I am speaking of the INVISIBLE!
The SPIRITUAL warfare that is all around us. If you think this pandemic and all the problems going on around the nation and world are just visible and human problems, you are vastly mistaken...
This is an eternal battle that is coming to a head! We were born for THIS TIME!!!

#1 - We should have a special devotion to our Mother! If she were good enough for our Lord & God to be a Mother, why would we NOT follow His prime example and be dependent upon Her.
Let us ask Her for all the special graces that our lives require!!!
Consecrate yourselves to Her!

Nationally, on May 1st, the reconsecrating America with Mary (see HERE).
Thanks be to God, we need Her intercession and we need to REPENT for going astray!!!

If you are a part of Fr. Heilman's GRACE FORCE, you may be wrapping up the 54-Day 3-Hearts Rosary Novena...(see HERE)

#2 - Let us also have a special devotion to her most sacred spouse...St. Joseph!
He is the "Terror of Demons"! St Joseph is very powerful... Silent but Powerful! If you have not done so, I would HIGHLY recommend you consecrate yourself to St. Joseph (look HERE)! Fr. Don Calloway has put together an extraordinary book on this called Consecration to St. Joseph.
And it came with all the problems you would think the evil one would throw at a person that was trying to get this project going...

The Diocese of La Crosse (Bishop Callahan) is dedicating May 1, 2020 thru May 1, 2021 as a Year of St. Joseph the Workman (HERE)

#3 - Last but not least... Make sure you have a special Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!!! He is our all-in-all! Our Lord and Our God!!!
1st Fridays of the month, which May 1st will be! Are dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus...

If you have a special devotion, or are consecrated to ALL THREE of these... See HERE:
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Chaste Heart of Joseph...well, then...You are in the Holy Family!

Let us all hope & pray to BELONG to that ETERNAL Holy Family someday as well... And along the way, maybe save a few souls and bring them too! THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!

Side-Note ~ This is not meant to add more to your plate...They are just my general thoughts/feelings.
But if you have been "feeling" a calling to Jesus, Mary, or Joseph - If there has been a "tug" on your heart, or you have been a bit stagnant lately - Maybe one of these devotions/consecrations is for you!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Good Info...

A great (and informative) article discussing the canceling of Public Masses & a great website (that will be added to the right column)

Do Bishops have the Authority to Cancel Masses Completely? 

I have heard and understand statements/arguments for both sides of this topic and it should be VERY much discerned by all parties involved, the local ordinary (Bishop), Parish Priest & the body of Christ (lay faithful)...

THE CHURCH (founded by Jesus Christ) is there to nourish the spirit & soul far more than the body.
These quotes come to mind:

"For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?"
~ Mark 8:36

"For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?"
~ Matthew 16:26

That being said... With what we now know about viruses, that they did not know even 150 years ago, not to mention 500 years ago, is it prudent to put hundreds of people in close proximity on a Sunday Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? What if it's the Priest who has the contagion, now he is responsible (potentially) for the illness (or loss) of his faithful.

Difficult times & decisions, BUT we must always is the Church and Her Sacraments that offer TRUE EVERLASTING LIFE (Life w/ our Lord in Heaven).

Monday, March 23, 2020


Podcast from Patrick Haines:
3rd Sunday in Lent: Christ & COVID-19
Here is his website as well:

The podcast (message) is really good!!!

We DO need to listen to this and apply it...WHEN we are out the other end of this pestilence/epidemic, remember this, brothers!!!

We have needed to re-prioritize for quite a while now, this Chinese virus is the time to consider this.

How are we as a culture responding to Christ?
Look how we respond to crisis? How can we not respond 100 times that to our Eternal Salvation... To letting others know about THEIR eternal salvation?!?!?